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The teachings on this site are either stand-alone messages on various subjects, or series composed of several parts.
last year
Law and Grace pt. 4
The Work of Grace in the Heart
Grace doesn’t come to man like an enormous army with banners, immediately destroying all resistance in its path. No, the gift of grace is like a King that God sets...
last year
Law and Grace pt. 3
Understanding Grace
What is that gospel of grace? It is the truth, the reality, the miracle, that God has provided such a power, a living seed or gift of His own light,...
last year
Law and Grace pt. 2
True Freedom from the Law
We cannot throw off the law until we put off the nature that is condemned by the law. We cannot say that we are dead to the law until we...
last year
Law and Grace pt. 1
Understanding the Law
Law didn’t start with Moses. Law started with God, and it started as something good, perfect, and wonderful. Before the fall, God’s life and nature WAS the law that governed...
2 years ago
The Gospel pt. 3
Why Hasn't My Heart Changed?
The gospel comes in power, and that power begins with light. And it is because we do not love this light and turn at its rebukes, it is because we...
2 years ago
The Gospel pt. 2
A Call Out of Inward Egypt
Almost every Christian is quick to say that their belief in the gospel will save them when they die. But why are we so sure that God will save us...
2 years ago
The Gospel pt. 1
The Power of God
The message of the gospel can be described in words and believed as words; but the thing described by these words is an experience of power. Paul says, “I am...
2 years ago
Walk in the Spirit pt. 2
Where the Spirit Leads
It is because the EXPERIENCE of inward transformation is so foreign to the Christianity of our day, that so many people become confused and discouraged when following Christ quickly leads...