3 part series:
The Kingdom of God
"Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." You must receive the kingdom with meekness, turn to it, love its appearing, give it room, freedom, good soil, so that it can produce a birth in you of its own life and nature. And yet you must not stop there! You must allow that life grow and fill and spread over every single city in your heart, every corner of your soul. You must “receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken” and let it remove everything in you that can be shaken. This is how the kingdom enters you, and how you enter the kingdom.
10 months ago
The Kingdom of God pt. 1
The Kingdom of God Has Drawn Near
The time was fulfilled, and the kingdom of God drew near. It came as the fulfillment of every promise, the substance of every shadow. It came in the Person of...
10 months ago
The Kingdom of God pt. 2
The Return of the King
The salvation of man IS the kingdom of God. It is an inward land that has been subdued, conquered, changed, cleansed, and filled with the reign of the King. It...
10 months ago
The Kingdom of God pt. 3
Find and Follow the King
One could ask, “How do I recognize the voice of the King? With so many people saying ‘Lo here is the kingdom, and Lo there is the kingdom’; with so...