4 part series:
The New Covenant
The new covenant is not an outward agreement or understanding, but rather an INWARD LIFE. It is a living covenant, a LIFE that we must walk in, in order to experience a a living power. The way to enter into this agreement is to enter into that LIFE. The way to keep this covenant, is to learn to walk and abide in that LIFE. And the way to disobey and break the covenant, is to walk and abide in your own life, the life of self, the life of flesh.
9 months ago
The New Covenant pt. 1
The Covenant is a Life
The new covenant is not an outward agreement or understanding, but rather an INWARD LIFE. It is a living covenant, a LIFE that we must walk in, in order to...
8 months ago
The New Covenant pt. 2
To Walk with God
Through the Law, the Prophets, and the New Testament God cries out to man, “Anyone who wants to walk with Me and experience My power must walk and live...
8 months ago
The New Covenant pt. 3
A Circumcised Heart
The heart of man cannot continue to walk in the new covenant without a total surrender of the life of the flesh. That’s the agreement. The only way to be...
8 months ago
The New Covenant pt. 4
Keeping the Covenant
Like Israel of old, Christians today have not paid attention to the boundaries of our inward covenant, to the “law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus”, to the...