4 part series:
The Way
Following Christ means following Him OUT of something. It is not following Him aimlessly, wandering here and there. No, following Christ involves a very specific WAY, a very specific journey. In the beginning, man fell OUT of something, and he also fell INTO something. And it is for this reason that following Christ involves a very specific exodus, a following Christ OUT of what man fell into, in the new and living way that He has opened for us.
last year
The Way pt. 1
Christ Came In to Bring Us Out
Following Christ means following Him OUT of something. It is not following Him aimlessly, wandering here and there. No, following Christ involves a very specific WAY, a very specific journey....
last year
The Way pt. 2
A New and Living Way
There is a Seed of new life given to man, but there is also a new living WAY, created by God, opened by Jesus Christ, taught by the Spirit, whereby...
last year
The Way pt. 3
An Inward Journey
On the one hand, walking in Christ (the Way) involves a continual detecting and denying the motions, movements, desires, stirrings, lusts, passions, of one nature, so that it is given...
last year
The Way pt. 4
We Must Keep the Covenant
The reason why so few of us actually experience the benefits of the new covenant, is because we are not walking in the way that God has provided. We break...