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The teachings on this site are either stand-alone messages on various subjects, or series composed of several parts.

10 months ago

The Kingdom of God pt. 3

Find and Follow the King

One could ask, “How do I recognize the voice of the King? With so many people saying ‘Lo here is the kingdom, and Lo there is the kingdom’; with so...

10 months ago

The Kingdom of God pt. 2

The Return of the King

The salvation of man IS the kingdom of God. It is an inward land that has been subdued, conquered, changed, cleansed, and filled with the reign of the King. It...

10 months ago

The Kingdom of God pt. 1

The Kingdom of God Has Drawn Near

The time was fulfilled, and the kingdom of God drew near. It came as the fulfillment of every promise, the substance of every shadow. It came in the Person of...

last year

The Way pt. 4

We Must Keep the Covenant

The reason why so few of us actually experience the benefits of the new covenant, is because we are not walking in the way that God has provided. We break...

last year

The Way pt. 3

An Inward Journey

On the one hand, walking in Christ (the Way) involves a continual detecting and denying the motions, movements, desires, stirrings, lusts, passions, of one nature, so that it is given...

last year

The Way pt. 2

A New and Living Way

There is a Seed of new life given to man, but there is also a new living WAY, created by God, opened by Jesus Christ, taught by the Spirit, whereby...

last year

The Way pt. 1

Christ Came In to Bring Us Out

Following Christ means following Him OUT of something. It is not following Him aimlessly, wandering here and there. No, following Christ involves a very specific WAY, a very specific journey....

last year

Law and Grace pt. 5

Grace Should Reign

Grace has a seed in man, a seed that is sown in the heart by the One who is “full of grace and truth.” And when our will unites to...