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The majority of these posts are my replies to emails, text messages, or other questions brought up in various settings. Any names or personal information have of course been removed.
2 years ago
After New Birth
One of the great errors that almost all new believers fall into comes from a failure to discern these two seeds in the beginning of their journey, and to learn...
2 years ago
Justification and Condemnation
In the course of our Christians lives, experiencing judgment and recognizing what God condemns in man, is so far from being a bad thing, that it can truly be called...
3 years ago
Why Christians Don't Change
One of the primary reasons that Christians don't experience true inward change is because they simply do not love and submit to the Light of Christ in its first and...
3 years ago
The Nature of Man's Freedom
Man has NO power in himself to leave his fallen condition. BUT, man has total freedom to join his heart and his will (in love and submission) to the power...
3 years ago
The Conscience vs. the Light of Christ
Man has a conscience, an inward faculty of feeling or finding good and evil, and this can be influenced either by God’s Spirit, or by a number of other things—like...
3 years ago
WHAT IS Your Relationship with God?
Your relationship with God is the reality of God living in you. It is the very life of God—a seed of His nature, light, power—planted in the soul of fallen...
3 years ago
The Implanted Word
It's one thing to know that Christ is the Word of God, it's another thing to experience the implanted Word of God (that is to say, the living communication and...
3 years ago
Losing Sight of Your Guide
Christ comes to transform you, not to inform you. Many people adore His words, but hate His nature when it appears (little by little) as a judge and teacher in...